Thursday, 31 January 2013
Wednesday, 30 January 2013
Tuesday, 22 January 2013
Humvee Guntruck Wheels and Tyres
Wheel / Tyres are first base coated dark greys
Every area of operation leaves the tyres looking different. Pictures of Iraq showed the tyres had very light raised treads with dark groves in between, this was depicted by dry brushing each tyre.
Tyres were masked and the wheels painted to match the body colour. This colour was lightened and sprayed onto the rim from an angle above to add some highlight.
Oil washes of black and dark brown help to bring out the detail further. Pigments then used to "dust up" the tyre sidewalls.
Fitted to the Humvee, more dust will be added once the scene is fully assembled.
Humvee Guntruck Exterior
The cabin was masked off and the exterior colours sprayed. This was done in the colour modulation style, other small details were also brush painted in lighter versions of the base colour.
Oil washes of Naples Yellow were applied to bring the modulated colours together. Dark coloured oil pin washes are then added bringing out the rivet detail around the body panels.
The armoured plates previously finished are now added by gluing in place with Gator Glue.
Humvee Guntruck Interior
The Humvee was preshaded all over with matt black then the cabin area sprayed green. The base colour was lightened to add highlights on the horizontal parts of the cab.
The cab was weathered with successive oil washes of black and sepia while chipping was added with silver Citadel paints particularly Mithril Silver and Boltgun Metal.
Instrument details are from Archer